Why is PCOD disease increasing rapidly in women, know the reason

Why is PCOD disease increasing rapidly in women, know the reason

PCOD Reasons : Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a rapidly growing disease in women. A large number of women have become victims of this in the last 10 years. This problem is seen in women between the age of 16 to 40 years. According to the National Library of Medicine, one out of every five women in the country is a victim of PCOS. Because of this there is a risk of infertility. According to a report published in The Lancet in the year 2021, 15-20 percent of women may become vulnerable to endometrial cancer if this disease is not treated. Since most women are not aware about this disease, this disease is becoming dangerous. In such a situation, let us know why PCOD is increasing so fast…

Why is PCOD disease increasing rapidly?

According to health experts, there is no single cause of PCOD disease. This disease can be caused by bad lifestyle, poor eating habits, mental stress, smoking and excessive drinking. In the last few years, the risk of this disease is increasing due to poor lifestyle of women and lack of fixed time for sleeping and waking up. In some cases this may also be due to genetic reasons. Doctors say that due to this disease the hormonal balance in women gets disturbed. Due to which many types of problems can occur. There may be problems like facial hair growth, irregular period pattern etc.

What problems can occur due to PCOD?

1. Due to PCOD, small cysts or lumps are formed in the ovaries, due to which it becomes difficult to conceive. Due to which PCOD becomes the cause of infertility.

2. Due to this disease there is insulin resistance in women. Due to which their cells are not able to use insulin properly. Due to which the insulin demand in the body increases.

3. When the demand for insulin in the body is high then the pancreas produces more insulin. The problem of obesity starts due to production of extra insulin.

4. When obesity increases, there is a risk of sleep apnea. Due to this, there are frequent interruptions in breathing at night, which can interfere with sleep.

5. Sleep apnea is more common in women who are overweight, especially if they also have PCOS. The risk of sleep apnea is 5 to 10 times higher in women who have both obesity and PCOD. Those who do not have PCOD.

6. Symptoms like hormonal imbalance and unwanted hair growth due to PCOD have a bad effect on mental health. Due to this, women become vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

How is PCOD identified?

Doctors say that the problem of PCOD is usually identified in those women who exhibit at least two of the three symptoms. These three symptoms are high androgen level, non-arrival of periods on time and cyst i.e. lump in the ovary. When this happens, a pelvic examination is done. Apart from this many tests are done. In which cholesterol, insulin and triglyceride tests are done. The doctor also gets an ultrasound done, through which the ovaries and uterus are examined.

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